
Tuesday, July 26, 2011


This week is Apricot week.  Trees are just now beginning to ripen which is a week or two late for Lillooet.  Yesterday I began drying apricots on a 4'x8' frame I built.  Today was apricot jam day (I may make more tomorrow as there is a huge abundance of fruit this year on neighbors' trees).  I thought I'd share this recipe with you... worked out pretty good and yields 16 x 250ml jars (8 x 500ml jars: just in-case your math skills are poor).  You may cut this recipe in half, but I like to make large batches when fruit is available... and it's not available for long!  Between to quickness of the apricot season and marauding black bears, you need to get on this sort of thing as quick as possible.
6 lbs Tree Ripened Apricots
13 cup Sugar
1 cup Lemon Juice
4 Tbsp Grated Ginger
2 doz. Lavender Flower Heads (bundled in cheese cloth)

Pit and quarter the apricots - place in a heavy pot (large).  Add Lemon juice, sugar and ginger.  Place on medium low heat and stir regularly to ensure the sugar does not burn.  Just before boiling (when foam starts to form) add the lavender flower bundle.  When a boil is reached, reduce heat to simmer.  I usually simmer for 5 min. - others like to do the "jell test" on a cold plate (I can't be bothered but then again some of my jams don't set all that well).  While still hot, ladle jam into hot sterilized jars.  Process in a water bath for 10 min.  Should keep for at least a year.

I hope you enjoy this recipe... another one of my pass times while in recovery mode.  This recipe is the first I've made using my outdoor propane burner (turkey deep-fryer... I'll probably never use it for that though).  It worked pretty slick... a lot faster than the stove top burner and kept the house cooler.  A bit of a pain running around between the stove top (where the jam was made) and the front yard where I was processing.  I'm sure I'll figure out something more convenient as time goes by.

1 comment:

Wayne Robinson said...

Next time I would reduce the sugar to 10 cups. This turned out to be a little sweet for me - Wayne