
Monday, October 09, 2006

False Start

Yeah I should be in Elyssium Pass right now, but something happened.
Yoho and Nunavut got a little strange at 11 am aprox 7 km up the trail. Yoho especially acted as if there was some sort of animal on the trail. Now being the fool that I am I said the magic words 'Who's there?'... and he was off! What we heard was Yoho barking and snarling and then... a yelp and nothing else. Anyhow, we called and called for him. I left my pack with Dieter so that he could wait there if he came back. I ran all the way to the trailhead hoping to find him there... yelling his name the entire way; he wasn't there. I hurried back to Dieter to find that he had not return... boy was I a sorry fellow. Not only did I lose my dog, but the trip would have to be cancelled if he wasn't found.

About 2 km from the trailhead I called Jasper National Park warden dispatch to alert them of my missing dog. Strangely, Dieter's roommate, Shawna a park warden, already had him. He was picked up on the highway at 2 pm by a trucker. Yoho was being chased by a pack of wolves!
It seems they had him on the run for three hours and he made it out alive! (luckiest dog ever)

Anyhow, Tracey picked us up at 3:30pm and we went and got Yoho from Dieters. Yoho looks a little stressed and VERY stiff but otherwise he's fine. We set out again tomorrow 8 am for now, what will be, a 9 day trip.

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