
Friday, September 30, 2011

Secret Lake

I am deliberately not telling anyone the name of this lake.  All I can say is that it is in the Shulaps and was a fantastic getaway for Tracey and myself.  We took the day, Saturday, to drive some rough logging roads to get to the trail head which took us more or less to the lake.  Although it should have only taken us 45 min to reach it, we missed an important junction as we were a lot quicker than we expected (this has been my first real hike since surgery).  We ended up over shooting the lake by 2.5 km (as the crow flies) and 200 m in elevation.  I didn't like missing the lake (I am still a guide after all), but the opportunity allowed us to explore the Shulaps a little more and wet our appetite for future exploration.

 Shulaps in all their autumn glory!

 Tracey and Pela.. the lake was right behind her!
 Me disappointed that we missed the lake... but Pinto and Pela were still happy.
 Us and us with fish!
 Rainbow Trout cleaned and in the wash basin... ready for caning.
When we got back to the lake it was pretty windy, so we spent the fist hour being blown around on the lake while Pinto and Pela enjoyed the ride.  When the wind would calm - FISH ON!  The trout were beautiful, inside and out.  Nice pink flesh (a little like sockeye) and beautiful coloured skin.  We kept 6 between the two of us and hiked them back to the Jeep.  We got home just after dark and I caned the trout the next morning.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Back in the Saddle!

 Tracey at Cowboy Camp
 Riding Cy with Joe the pack horse through Little Paradise
 Tracey with Relay mountain behind
 Tracey and Homer
 Lizard mountain from Manson pass
 Leading the pack horse along the steep sides of Tyax Creek
Tracey and Homer at Lower Relay Creek camp
I was offered the opportunity to cook for another Spruce Lake Wilderness Adventures trip.  Being my first trip into the mountains since surgery I was pretty eager to do it.  Tracey joined me on this trip which was her first trip into the South Chilcotins.  We travelled through some of my favourite areas: Cowboy Camp (upper Relay creek), Brear Paw Cabin (upper Tyax Creek via Little Paradise and Manson Pass), Spruce Lake Camp (via Tyax Creek) and back to Lower Relay Camp (via Spruce and Tyax Creeks).  Four days of horseback riding fixed my sciatica very well.  As a result, I am able to walk with little to no pain now!  I will continue my Physio for another 5 sessions and will keep on my core strengthening program to ensure it does not return.