
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Back at it!

Wow, it's been nearly three months since I've blogged and here's what has happened.

I had a horrendous winter. There wasn't an awful lot of snow, so skiing wasn't the best. Ice climbing was good, but work was a constant problem. I was advised to take most of the winter off, but asked to manage two companies. These two requests do not work well together, and as a result I lived in a perpetual world of stress. Add to that the ongoing mortgage issues and that lead to a lot of trying times. I'm happy to say that is all in the past, and now I have the time and will to blog more. I plan on a pretty full summer on the mountains and working on the new house once we take possession on July 1. Here's what has gone on in the last while


Tracey bought and received our Bowflex home gym. I can now say that this was a great purchase. So far we have been pretty religious with our work outs and this has not only reduced outside stress, but has worked our bodies very nicely.


Dragon Peak seen by moonlight at Big Bend JNP.

After a bit of a blow out with the boss-man, I was asked to take all of my owed vacation time off. I was not too impressed with this considering April is a lousy month for any outdoor activities. We did go camping at 'Bug Bend with friends on the 14th. A beautiful full moon night (but windy!). I also took the time to finally compile my wild flower photographs from over the past four years. This involved a lot of time completing identification. organization by date of bloom, and countless hours on photoshop resizing and bringing out the colours exactly how I wanted them to appear. All in all I have complied 204 species for Jasper alone. I'm happy with the accomplishment which is now available in a CD format. I will continue to add to the collection when I find flowers I have not yet photographed or excellent lighting the desires a new picture.
During the last week of the month I had to recert my advanced wilderness medical training. 40 hours in Calgary. I spent the week at Paul and Angela's. Tracey arrived for the last half of the week. The Jeep's starter died which actually worked out for the best as I was able to see Mikey and Lisa (even for only a few minutes was better than nothing) and spend some time at Ikea, Home Depot and Rona. Upon returning to Jasper, work was back up to busy as the Aussies had started to arrive. Work is back into full swing, and I am refreshed and ready to work like a dog for the next couple of months.


Much of this month was devoted to work. Lots to do but we did make it out for two camping trips.

Valemount Hot Springs.
Yes, they appeared again, and to seems we just caught them before the lake level rose enough to cover them. I got a nasty sunburn on the trip, and suffered from heat stroke for the next several days. Wow, was that nasty. Maybe I shouldn't have finished off that bottle of Scotch (ouch).Top... me at the camp with the new Nemo (great tent now!). Middle... Tracey in the Hot Spring. Bottom... Sun burned Tracey.


There was a nest of Owls at Jasper Park Lodge. they have all grown up (three of them) and flown away.

Glacier Lake.
Troy joined us for a two night stay at Glacier Lake. Sadly, I developed some nasty blister which I haven't experienced in five years. A blessing in disguise as I can now relate to my clients for have to endure this pain. Due to the blisters, we spent our full day there in camp and all we did was eat. It was nice to sit back and relax with nothing to worry about!
Top... Traey, Trop and Yoho on the way to Glacier Lake. Note the lighting... we never reached camp until 11 pm. Bottom... Glacier Lake.

As you can see below, wildlife is becoming very active. I have been shooting bears, elk, sheep, and looking for Mountain Goats. Below is a picture of a Rufus Humming Bird that is constantly visiting our feeder. I'll keep you posted on what else this month will hold. Come back next week!