Ryan starting the 37 m rappel... check out the two people below.
Climbing the first ice fall
Climbing the frost rime.. well not really... looks good though.
Yesterday, Ryan and I explored the entire Maligne Canyon. For five years, I've looked over the first bridge and ofter thought about rappelling down and walking the entire canyon... so that's what we did.We started at the top of the canyon and were originally planning to rapp off the first ice fall but found crappy ice that neither of us wanted to trust. Instead we rapped the 37 meter drop off the first bridge and explored from there. We were amazed! The canyon seemed a lot taller from the bottom than from the top and the water formed limestone walls were many times more exciting and interesting than what we show people during the lower Maligne Canyon Ice Walk. the light levels were low so the pictures didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, but I am planning to return soon with a tripod for more photo opportunities.
Interesting Geology
Oh yeah, Jasper experienced a power outage on Wednesday that lasted the entire evening. For those of you who are unaware, Jasper has it's own natural gas power generator, and if anything happens to the natural gas pipeline... we have serious problems. Anyhow, some contractor out side the park border breached the pipe line, and thus we were without heat and power for nearly 8 hours. Here is a photo taken from above the town. The only lights you can see are cars and the railway (they have their own backup generators).
Lose the lights from the railway, and this is a lot like what Jasper looked like during a full moon, 80 years ago