
Sunday, December 17, 2006

This Weekend in Winter Wonderland

We had an awesome day at Marmot on Friday. It was some of the best skiing I've done in long time, let's hope the snow continues falling.
Saturday we went cross-country skiing to Summit Lakes. The track and snow were nice. 10k was a nice start to our cross-country season. The above picture is taken at Summit Lake looking to Sirdar Mountain behind us.
Today was the xmas domestic day. I baked up a storm and Tracey wrapped the remaining presents that need to go out, some may be late this year. This evening we went over to friends' for the season finally of Survivor. Next weekend: CHRISTMAS! I'm asking for more cold weather and snow!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Is Comming

Christmas is Coming.. and we're busier than ever!
Tracey and I have guest arriving, Paul and Angela... and Arun for the period after Christmas up until New Years. I'll try to take some photos so that I can post them. Most of our time lately has been devoted to work and Christmas gift prep!. We had planned to go to Half Way Hot Spring on Friday but the plan is now up in the air. We did go to Marmot on Saturday and had a great time.... best snow in three years!
Did you know that I operate the Adventure Press? Check out this site to see it

Sunday, December 03, 2006

From a Canyon of Water to a Canyon of Ice

Within one week, Tracey and I have experienced a tropical canyon of 33'C, to a winter canyon of -25'C. How many people can say they've experienced that?

Dominican Sunset

The Beach east of the RIU and On the Way Home

Waterfall Trip and Sosua Beach

Top Photo: Tracey and Estelle in the bottom pool of our waterfall trip. We ascended seven levels and then slid or jumped down the levels. The fresh water was a gorgeous 24'C... a great relief from the 33'C weather. Bottom Photo: The beach of Sosua.

Paradise Island

Top Photo: Tracey lovin' every minute of it (Rum and all)! My swim trunks are too small. Bottom Photo: Looking North West towards Haiti from Paradise Island.

Paradise Island

Paradise Island was one of our outings while in Dominican Republic. This island is surrounded by a coral reef. The snorkeling was amazing.. the fish ate bananas out of your hand! Next time, I'll have a waterproof camera for all of the fish. I used to be afraid of the ocean, but no more.